At the undergraduate level, the Center offers core courses such as Castles and Cloisters, Palaces and Cities, Explorations in the Holy Roman Empire, and Tales of King Arthur. Courses offered by affiliate faculty also count towards the major and minor and include Dante’s Inferno, Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages, Jewish History: 1492-1750, The Qur’an as Literature, Taoism and Chinese Culture, Samurai War Tales, and many more.
We also offer study-abroad experiences at the Royal Holloway University London and host multiple events for students and faculty, including symposia, lectures, and conferences. Our faculty serve as research sponsors for the University Scholars Program and senior theses. We also serve as graduate committee members and are actively engaged in mentoring at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
To learn more, contact Will Hasty hasty@ufl.edu or Mary Watt marywatt@ufl.edu to find out more about how you can join us in this great adventure.