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FFW + MEMS: 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

Amy Nelson Burnett will lecture and participate in a panel discussion on Monday and Tuesday, November 13-14. There will also be an exhibit at the Reitz Union during this week.

“Reform, Dissent, and Toleration: The Reformation as a Crisis of Authority,” Amy Nelson Burnett. Smathers 100, 11/13, 5 pm.

“Freedom and Walls in Global Religious Traditions,” Panel Discussion with Amy Burnett and UF Faculty. Dauer 219, 11/14, 5-6:30 pm.

Exhibit: “#Here I stand: Martin Luther, the Reformation and its Consequences,” 2nd floor, Reitz Student Union. Now through October 31.


Amy Nelson Burnett is the Paula and D. B. Varner University Professor of History, University of Nebraska.

These events are part of the FFW Campus Weeks events at UF.
For more information contact Will Hasty or join the FB Group: “Future of Freedom and Walls”