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CFP: 2017-18 MEMS Graduate Student Talks

Matt Koval, the History PHD candidate who co-ordinated the MEMS Graduate Student talks in the past, is back from his Fulbright research year and will again organize this series!

These are informal events, where you may discuss your research ideas with a multidisciplinary audience. You may present a paper or PowerPoint, or it may be more a set of notes or ideas. Then we leave lots of time to discuss and talk about the ideas presented – indeed, these are supposed to be TALKs! This is a great opportunity to try out a new idea or practice for an upcoming conference.

We will be hosting a MEMs meet and greet in the near future, and encourage all to come to colleagues with similar interests to your own, but who you never heard of because their name is under a different departmental label.

Please contact Matt at kovalmb1 to plan a presentation or get more information.