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Courses Fall 2016

The following sections of MEM3931 will be offered in Fall 2016:

All course readings are in English.


Taoism and Chinese Culture

MEM 3931sec. 183E (also CHT 3513 & REL 3938)
Professor Richard Wang (Chinese)

Taoism is aspecific set of cultural traditions that evolved within the historical context of ancient, medieval,and modern China, evolving to meet the spiritual needs of people in specific historical situations.The multi-sources and complexity of Taoist belief systems and ritual practice, and the influenceof Taoism uponChinese thought, religion, art, culture and society will also be covered.


Medieval Magic

MEM3931 sec 19DG (also EUH 3180)
Professor Bonnie Effros (History)

Assessment of the cultural, religious and political implications of the supernatural in late antique, medieval and early modern European society (400-1700 CE). Besides addressing the role of scapegoating in the persecution of marginalized groups, it suggests how belief in demonic magic co-existed with Christian belief in miracles.


Engineering the Renaissance

MEM 3931 sec 19GH (also ITT 3930)
Professors Mary Watt (Italian) and Mark E. Law (Engineering)

The course will introduce students to pivotal moments in technological innovation and to the physics underlying those changes in the European Renaissance. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the ideals and practical exigencies that motivated engineers and artists to transform their communities, through the application of scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge. The course is designed to harmonize content from the sciences and the humanities. No particular engineering or history background is expected.


The Arab Woman

MEM 3931 sec 1996 (also ARA 3510)
Professor Sarra Tlili (Arabic)

This course examines the role of women in Arab societies and how Arab women and men understand gender relations and roles. The course follows a combined historical and thematic organization. Starting from pre-Islamic Arabia down to the modern period (with substantial medieval content), we will consider the role of women in literature, arts, social and economic life, religion and religious scholarship, and politics. All readings for this course are in English. Audio-visual materials are either in English or in Arabic with English subtitles.