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Blanton on Historiographies of Time

Friday, November 20 at 4:00 PM in Pugh 160,the third MEMS Graduate Student Talk of the semester Tim Blanton (History) “Whose Time? Which Past?: Some Reflections on Medieval and Modern Historiographies of Time” We are constantly under the surveillance of clocks. We wake up in the morning to the sound of an alarm; we anxiously […]

MEMS: Who we are

Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) at UF is an interdisciplinary forum for the study of medieval and early modern European culture and its influences on the modern world. This approach addresses the distinctive forms of cultural organization in the Middle Ages and Early Modern periods; the study necessarily crosses departmental boundaries.


Albertus Paludis, Knight of the Swamp, represents the playful aspect of MEMS. After you have learned a thousand years of history and a few languages, you can rock the swamp!