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Courses Fall 2013

Summer 2013: MEMS in Mannheim (summer study abroad) Now being offered as a distance learning course in Summer B: Castles and Cloisters: An Introduction to Medieval Studies (H,N) MEM 3300 (4A95) Professor Mary Watt The goal of this course will be to develop a familiarity with some of the salient characteristics of monastic and courtly-chivalric […]

Courses Spring 2013

Spring 2013 Note: all readings in these courses are in English. Arab Women MEM 3931 (#09D8)/ARA3510 (#03A3) Professor Sarra Tlili This course will examine the status and role of Arab women following a combined diachronic and thematic organization. Starting from pre-Islamic Arabia, we will study selected poems by prominent female figures and ponder the tribal […]

Courses Fall 2012

Fall 2012:   HUMOR IN ARABIC LITERATURE ABT3130,  Sara Tlili This course will introduce students to a variety of narratives in different Arabic literary genres through the theme  of  humor. It will consider how humorous Arab and Islamic society has been, what makes Arabs laugh, how they justify humor, what types of humor are acceptable […]

Courses, Spring 2012

SPRING 2012 MEMS courses CHT 4603/1962 – MEM 4931/08G9: Journey to the West Professor Richard Wang. This course is designed to explore the religious culture, cultural history and literary expression of traditional China through a 100-chapter novel known as Journey to the West, or Monkey.  Based on the famous Tang Buddhist monk Hsüan-tsang’s (596-664) historical […]

Courses Fall 2011

Fall 2011 Note: all readings in these courses are in English. ARA4930/0355  –  MEM 4931/2387: The Qur’an as Literature Professor Sarra Tlili The Qur’an is at once a fascinating and perplexing scripture. While many Muslim and non-Muslim readers are struck by its beauty, to many others it comes across as a disorganized text. This course’s […]

Courses Spring 2010

Spring 2010: Note: all readings in these courses are in English. MEM 3730/GET3200: The Literature of Knighthood in the Holy Roman Empire Prof. Will Hasty. A study of the chivalric literature written in the northern, German-speaking regions of the Holy Roman Empire during the High Middle Ages (ca. 1200). Students will explore the political and […]