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Students in MEMS invited to participate in Creative Walls Projects

Connected to the “Setting Global-Cultural Limits 30-Years after Berlin 1989” Campus Weeks events:, there are three creative student group projects focusing on Border-Walls, Fire-Walls, and Sea-Walls respectively. Creative projects address the ongoing histories of these different kinds of Walls (whether as problems or solutions), how they have been used in the past, how they are being used now, and how they could/should be used to address likely problems and challenges of the future. If you have questions regarding the creative projects, write to Will Hasty ( Projects will be displayed and presented by the groups during the November 14 Commemorative Evening.  If you would like to get connected to one of the groups, contact Will Hasty (<>).

—An Op Ed Writing Contest: Starting with the Berlin Wall and lessons that can be drawn from its history, students are invited to suggest how best to set global-cultural limits 30 years after Berlin 1989, paying special attention to the roles to be played (or not) by different kinds of walls. First, second, and third prize winners to be announced at the Commemorative Evening on November 14. Click here for the winning op ed from the 2017 Future of Freedom and Walls Campus Weeks events; click here for an op ed describing the original “Freedom without Walls” events in 2009.







—November Commemorative Evening. The Campus Weeks events culminate in a catered Commemorative Evening on Thursday, November 14 (in the Ocora Room of Pugh Hall) in remembrance of the November 9th “Night of Broken Glass” (Kristallnacht) and the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and following in the tradition of UF’s previous “Freedom without Walls” and “Future of Freedom and Walls” commemorations in 2009 and 2017 (November 9th proper falls on the preceding Saturday this year, hence the later date for the Commemorative Evening). The Border-Walls, Fire-Walls, and Sea-Walls Student Groups will display and present their projects. Winners of the essay contest will be announced and will read their op ed pieces. Political and Academic Leaders will speak to the historical significance of the occasion.